Software prefetching

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In this version we will attempt to take advantage of vacant CPU execution ports by inserting prefetch instructions to reduce average memory access latency in the performance critical loop.

The motivation behind this idea is explained in the reference materials. Note that vpermpd and vpermilpd use same execution ports as vperm2f128 and vpermilps, so the reasoning holds also for clang and rustc.


We won't be making much changes from v5 since we only want to insert 2 prefetcht0 instructions in the innermost loop. prefetcht0 uses the strongest locality hint T0, which requests the data to be loaded into all cache levels. The instruction is provided in the same Intel intrinsics crate we have been using for inserting SIMD instructions, where it is defined as _mm_prefetch. Since we will be using it only for prefetching addresses containing f32x8s, we might as well wrap it into a helper function and put it in our SIMD helper module:

pub fn prefetch(p: *const f32x8, offset: isize) {
    unsafe { _mm_prefetch(p.offset(offset) as *const i8, _MM_HINT_T0) }

The function takes as arguments the memory address of an f32x8, for which we want to request a cache line fetch using locality T0. In C, p.offset(offset) would basically be equal to p + offset. We need the unsafe expression both for using _mm_prefetch intrinsic and p.offset, but we shouldn't have to worry about memory safety so much here since we only need the offset address, the pointer will not be dereferenced.

Now that we have our prefetch-helper, we can add it to our v5 implementation. First, we get a pair of f32x8 pointers to the current row pair vd_row and vt_row:

    // Everything is exactly as in v5, but we add some prefetch instructions in the innermost loop
    let step_row_block = |(r_row_block, vd_row): (&mut [f32], &[f32x8])| {
        // Create const raw pointers for specifying addresses to prefetch
        let vd_row_ptr = vd_row.as_ptr();
        const PREFETCH_LENGTH: usize = 20;
        for (j, vt_row) in vt.chunks_exact(n).enumerate() {
            let vt_row_ptr = vt_row.as_ptr();

PREFETCH_LENGTH = 20 is the amount of f32x8 addresses we want to look ahead, and it was chosen empirically in the reference implementation.

We'll insert two prefetch-hints for addresses 20 elements ahead of d0 and t0 in the beginning of the innermost loop:

            let mut tmp = [simd::f32x8_infty(); simd::f32x8_LENGTH];
            for (col, (&d0, &t0)) in vd_row.iter().zip(vt_row).enumerate() {
                // Insert prefetch hints for fetching the cache line containing
                // the memory address 20 addresses ahead of the current column
                simd::prefetch(vd_row_ptr, (col + PREFETCH_LENGTH) as isize);
                simd::prefetch(vt_row_ptr, (col + PREFETCH_LENGTH) as isize);
                let d2 = simd::swap(d0, 2);
                let d4 = simd::swap(d0, 4);
                let d6 = simd::swap(d4, 2);
                let t1 = simd::swap(t0, 1);
                tmp[0] = simd::min(tmp[0], simd::add(d0, t0));
                tmp[1] = simd::min(tmp[1], simd::add(d0, t1));
                tmp[2] = simd::min(tmp[2], simd::add(d2, t0));
                tmp[3] = simd::min(tmp[3], simd::add(d2, t1));
                tmp[4] = simd::min(tmp[4], simd::add(d4, t0));
                tmp[5] = simd::min(tmp[5], simd::add(d4, t1));
                tmp[6] = simd::min(tmp[6], simd::add(d6, t0));
                tmp[7] = simd::min(tmp[7], simd::add(d6, t1));

That's about it, let's run the benchmarks. C++ version available here.

ImplementationCompilerTime (s)IPC
C++ v6gcc 7.4.0-1ubuntu12.103.20
C++ v6clang 6.0.0-1ubuntu22.332.25
Rust v6rustc 1.38.0-nightly2.672.77

Something is not right, the Rust implementation became slower compared to the previous version.

Let's look at the assembly.


    vmovaps    ymm2,YMMWORD PTR [rdx-0x280]
    vmovaps    ymm3,YMMWORD PTR [rax-0x280]
    prefetcht0 BYTE PTR [rax]
    add        rax,0x20
    prefetcht0 BYTE PTR [rdx]
    add        rdx,0x20
    vpermilps  ymm0,ymm2,0xb1
    vperm2f128 ymm13,ymm3,ymm3,0x1
    vpermilps  ymm14,ymm3,0x4e
    vaddps     ymm15,ymm3,ymm2
    vaddps     ymm3,ymm3,ymm0
    vpermilps  ymm1,ymm13,0x4e
    vminps     ymm7,ymm7,ymm3
    vaddps     ymm3,ymm2,ymm14
    vaddps     ymm14,ymm0,ymm14
    vminps     ymm11,ymm11,ymm15
    vminps     ymm10,ymm10,ymm3
    vaddps     ymm3,ymm2,ymm13
    vaddps     ymm13,ymm0,ymm13
    vaddps     ymm2,ymm2,ymm1
    vaddps     ymm0,ymm0,ymm1
    vminps     ymm6,ymm6,ymm14
    vminps     ymm9,ymm9,ymm3
    vminps     ymm5,ymm5,ymm13
    vminps     ymm8,ymm8,ymm2
    vminps     ymm4,ymm4,ymm0
    cmp        rax,rcx
    jne        LOOP

There are two prefetch-hints prefetcht0, placed 0x280 bytes ahead of the current loop indexes in registers rdx and rax. This equals 20 f32x8 vectors, because each f32x8 is 32 bytes and 0x280/32 = 20, as we wanted.


    prefetcht0 BYTE PTR [rcx+rdi*1]
    prefetcht0 BYTE PTR [rax+rdi*1]
    vmovapd    ymm9,YMMWORD PTR [rcx+rdi*1-0x280]
    vmovaps    ymm10,YMMWORD PTR [rax+rdi*1-0x280]
    vpermpd    ymm11,ymm9,0x4e
    vpermilpd  ymm12,ymm9,0x5
    vpermilpd  ymm13,ymm11,0x5
    vpermilps  ymm14,ymm10,0xb1
    vaddps     ymm15,ymm9,ymm10
    vminps     ymm8,ymm8,ymm15
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm9,ymm14
    vminps     ymm4,ymm4,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm12,ymm10
    vminps     ymm7,ymm7,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm12,ymm14
    vminps     ymm3,ymm3,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm11,ymm10
    vminps     ymm6,ymm6,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm11,ymm14
    vminps     ymm2,ymm2,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm10,ymm13
    vminps     ymm5,ymm5,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm13,ymm14
    vminps     ymm1,ymm1,ymm9
    add        rdi,0x20
    add        rdx,0xffffffffffffffff
    jne        LOOP


    inc        rbx
    vmovapd    ymm9,YMMWORD PTR [r11+rsi*1-0x280]
    vmovaps    ymm10,YMMWORD PTR [rcx+rsi*1]
    prefetcht0 BYTE PTR [r11+rsi*1]
    prefetcht0 BYTE PTR [rdx+rsi*1]
    vpermilpd  ymm11,ymm9,0x5
    vpermpd    ymm12,ymm9,0x4e
    vpermpd    ymm13,ymm9,0x1b
    vpermilps  ymm14,ymm10,0xb1
    vaddps     ymm15,ymm9,ymm10
    vminps     ymm8,ymm8,ymm15
    vmovaps    YMMWORD PTR [rsp+0xc0],ymm8
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm9,ymm14
    vminps     ymm7,ymm7,ymm9
    vmovaps    YMMWORD PTR [rsp+0xe0],ymm7
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm11,ymm10
    vminps     ymm6,ymm6,ymm9
    vmovaps    YMMWORD PTR [rsp+0x100],ymm6
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm11,ymm14
    vminps     ymm5,ymm5,ymm9
    vmovaps    YMMWORD PTR [rsp+0x120],ymm5
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm12,ymm10
    vminps     ymm4,ymm4,ymm9
    vmovaps    YMMWORD PTR [rsp+0x140],ymm4
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm12,ymm14
    vminps     ymm3,ymm3,ymm9
    vmovaps    YMMWORD PTR [rsp+0x160],ymm3
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm10,ymm13
    vminps     ymm2,ymm2,ymm9
    vmovaps    YMMWORD PTR [rsp+0x180],ymm2
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm13,ymm14
    vminps     ymm1,ymm1,ymm9
    vmovaps    YMMWORD PTR [rsp+0x1a0],ymm1
    add        rsi,0x20
    cmp        rbx,rax
    jb         LOOP

We can see two prefetch instructions with locality hint T0, but for some reason there is also pretty bad register spilling. This behaviour seems a bit odd, since the only thing we changed in the inner loop from v5 was to add two prefetch instructions. Also, we can see that after writing a register into memory, the same register is not used anywhere in the loop during that iteration.

Recall how we faced the same issue in v4, which we solved by unrolling the tmp results array into separate, mutable variables. This seemed to encourage the compiler to keep the temporary results in registers for the duration of the loop, so let's do the same also here.

Full step_row_block implementation

    // Everything is mostly as in v5,
    // but we add some prefetch instructions in the innermost loop,
    // and unroll the tmp results array to avoid register spilling
    let step_row_block = |(r_row_block, vd_row): (&mut [f32], &[f32x8])| {
        // Create const raw pointers for specifying addresses to prefetch
        let vd_row_ptr = vd_row.as_ptr();
        const PREFETCH_LENGTH: usize = 20;
        for (j, vt_row) in vt.chunks_exact(n).enumerate() {
            let vt_row_ptr = vt_row.as_ptr();
            let mut tmp0 = simd::f32x8_infty();
            let mut tmp1 = simd::f32x8_infty();
            let mut tmp2 = simd::f32x8_infty();
            let mut tmp3 = simd::f32x8_infty();
            let mut tmp4 = simd::f32x8_infty();
            let mut tmp5 = simd::f32x8_infty();
            let mut tmp6 = simd::f32x8_infty();
            let mut tmp7 = simd::f32x8_infty();
            for (col, (&d0, &t0)) in vd_row.iter().zip(vt_row).enumerate() {
                // Insert prefetch hints for fetching the cache line containing
                // the memory address 20 addresses ahead of the current column
                simd::prefetch(vd_row_ptr, (col + PREFETCH_LENGTH) as isize);
                simd::prefetch(vt_row_ptr, (col + PREFETCH_LENGTH) as isize);
                let d2 = simd::swap(d0, 2);
                let d4 = simd::swap(d0, 4);
                let d6 = simd::swap(d4, 2);
                let t1 = simd::swap(t0, 1);
                tmp0 = simd::min(tmp0, simd::add(d0, t0));
                tmp1 = simd::min(tmp1, simd::add(d0, t1));
                tmp2 = simd::min(tmp2, simd::add(d2, t0));
                tmp3 = simd::min(tmp3, simd::add(d2, t1));
                tmp4 = simd::min(tmp4, simd::add(d4, t0));
                tmp5 = simd::min(tmp5, simd::add(d4, t1));
                tmp6 = simd::min(tmp6, simd::add(d6, t0));
                tmp7 = simd::min(tmp7, simd::add(d6, t1));
            let tmp = [
                tmp0, simd::swap(tmp1, 1),
                tmp2, simd::swap(tmp3, 1),
                tmp4, simd::swap(tmp5, 1),
                tmp6, simd::swap(tmp7, 1),
            for (tmp_i, r_row) in r_row_block.chunks_exact_mut(n).enumerate() {
                for tmp_j in 0..simd::f32x8_LENGTH {
                    let res_j = j * simd::f32x8_LENGTH + tmp_j;
                    if res_j < n {
                        let v = tmp[tmp_i ^ tmp_j];
                        let vi = tmp_j as u8;
                        r_row[res_j] = simd::extract(v, vi);
    r.par_chunks_mut(simd::f32x8_LENGTH * n)

rustc without spilling

    inc        rbx
    vmovapd    ymm9,YMMWORD PTR [r11+rsi*1-0x280]
    vmovaps    ymm10,YMMWORD PTR [rcx+rsi*1]
    prefetcht0 BYTE PTR [r11+rsi*1]
    prefetcht0 BYTE PTR [rdx+rsi*1]
    vpermilpd  ymm11,ymm9,0x5
    vpermpd    ymm12,ymm9,0x4e
    vpermpd    ymm13,ymm9,0x1b
    vpermilps  ymm14,ymm10,0xb1
    vaddps     ymm15,ymm9,ymm10
    vminps     ymm4,ymm4,ymm15
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm9,ymm14
    vminps     ymm8,ymm8,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm11,ymm10
    vminps     ymm3,ymm3,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm11,ymm14
    vminps     ymm7,ymm7,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm12,ymm10
    vminps     ymm2,ymm2,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm12,ymm14
    vminps     ymm6,ymm6,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm10,ymm13
    vminps     ymm1,ymm1,ymm9
    vaddps     ymm9,ymm13,ymm14
    vminps     ymm5,ymm5,ymm9
    add        rsi,0x20
    cmp        rbx,rax
    jb         LOOP


ImplementationCompilerTime (s)IPC
C++ v6gcc 7.4.0-1ubuntu12.103.20
C++ v6clang 6.0.0-1ubuntu22.332.25
Rust v6rustc 1.38.0-nightly2.163.23